Come Follow Me (Primary): September 11-17, 2 Corinthians 1-7

September 11-17 ♡ 2 Corinthians 1-7 " B e Y e R e c o n c i l e d t o G o d " I believe in being honest "Help the children memorize the phrase 'We believe in being honest' (Articles of Faith 1:13). Write this phrase on paper bracelets the children can decorate and wear. Explain that being honest includes telling the truth." These handouts are available in a digital download format in my Etsy shop here. I printed the bracelets on cardstock paper, and cut them out. I used tape, but you can also choose to use glue to hold the bracelets together! They were the perfect addition to our listen when teaching about honesty. The kids loved coloring their bracelets and wore them proudly.