Come Follow Me (Primary): August 21-27, 1 Corinthians 1-7

  August 21-27  1 Corinthians 1-7


Jesus Christ is my foundation

Read 1 Corinthians 3:11 to the children, and explain that Jesus Christ is our foundation.

For this part of the lesson, I found some large Lego pieces at home to use as an object lesson. I built a small structure, demonstrating that Jesus Christ is the foundation. Every Lego piece that was built on top were examples of things that "build" on a testimony of Him.

I created these super cute and fun handouts as a reminder to the primary children, that Jesus Christ is our foundation! These handouts are available in a digital download format in my Etsy shop here.

I found some "Lego" candies to go along with the object lesson and attached them to the handouts. I put the candies in small baggies and stapled them onto the handouts (I printed them on cardstock). I purchased the Lego candies on Amazon. You can find them here.

My Body is like a temple

Here is a free, printable spinner that can be used for this part of the lesson! For every body part that the spinner lands on, the children can be invited to take turns sharing what they are grateful for about their bodies.


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