My Experience With Anxiety I never would have considered myself an anxious person. In fact, I would say that I coped with stress very well. Like everyone else, I would get anxious every now and then when it came to things like taking an exam, applying for a new job, public speaking, etc. It wasn't until August of 2019 that I had a panic attack (although I didn't know what it was at the time). I was in the kitchen at about 8pm prepping for my lunch to bring to school the following day. I was cutting an apple when I suddenly felt my heart leap out of my chest. It was the biggest heart palpitation I had ever felt. Next, the vision in my left eye started to black out. I immediately felt the need to quickly sit on the ground in case I were to pass out. I shouted for my husband and told him something didn't feel right. I was very shaky, light-headed, and short of breath. We got some pillows and propped my feet up right there on the kitchen floor. I fel...
Here Are the Real Facts How many times have you browsed the internet for answers involving your health? The truth is... most of us are guilty Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, said something relating the matter: "After a recent medical procedure, my very capable doctors explained what I needed to do to heal properly. But first I had to relearn something about myself I should have known for a long time: as a patient, I'm not very patient. Consequently I decided to expedite the healing process by undertaking my own Internet search. I suppose I expected to discover truth of which my doctors were unaware or had tried to keep from me. It took me a little while before I realized the irony of what I was doing. Of course, researching things for ourselves is not a bad idea. But I was disregarding truth I could rely on and instead found myself being drawn to the often-outlandish claims of Internet lore. S...
"Do you think you'll get postpartum depression?", a lot of friends and family would ask me when I was pregnant. If you've read some of my other blog posts, you would see that I have struggled with severe anxiety in the past. "I don't know, probably", was often my reply. Given my history with mood disorders, I assumed it could be likely I would experience some struggles postpartum. Little did I know at the time how hard and fast it would hit me. Beginning in the first trimester, I experienced depression. Despite being quite open about my mental health, I remained mostly quiet about depression throughout my pregnancy. Since anxiety was more dominant for me in the past, lingering depression was a newer learning curve for me. I believe I kept quiet for a few different reasons: Depression caused a lack of motivation and energy, making it so I didn't want to do anything I normally enjoyed doing. I also didn't feel like talking to anyone. This was com...
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