
Showing posts from April, 2023

Come Follow Me (Primary): April 17-23, Matthew 18; Luke 10

    April 17 - 23  ♡   Matthew 18 & Luke 10 " W h a t  S h a l l  I  D o  t o  I n h e r i t  E t e r n a l  L i f e " I should always forgive others "Write 'I forgive you' on the board, and tell the children that these words can help them turn sad moments into happy ones. Draw a sad face on the board, and share some examples of children forgiving one another. After each example, invite a child to change the sad face to a happy one." Jesus taught me to see all people as my neighbors and love them Click here for these super cute "Good Samaritan" handouts!

Reframing Negative Thoughts Worksheet

 Reframing Negative Thoughts Use this worksheet to help you think more realistically and positively!  For example:  Negative Thought- "I am stupid" What evidence or proof do you have that you are "stupid"? If you had to prove to me that you are what you say you are, where is your evidence to support that claim? You may say: "I failed my test", but does that prove to me that you are "stupid"? No!- Failing a test in itself does not indicate a lack of intelligence. Positive Thought- "I am capable of learning" What evidence to you have to support this positive claim?- "I can study. I can try again. I have a brain. I have learned things in the past. etc." In my practice, negative thoughts can always be reframed to be more realistic and positive. This may be difficult to do at first, but with diligent practice, your thought patterns can change over time and improve your mood!

Wellness Journal Entry Worksheet

 Wellness Journal Entry This page can be printed for free to help you track your feelings and practice mindfulness every day!

RAIN Mindfulness Exercise Reference Page

 RAIN Mindfulness Print this page to refer to when you want to practice some mindfulness! RAIN is such a cute and fun acronym to help remember a simple way to be present.

Mental Health Check-In Printable Worksheet

 Self Check-In Worksheet This free, printable worksheet is great for helping you to assess and be mindful of your mood, thoughts, and physical sensations in the present moment. Checking in with yourself is beneficial for allowing you to investigate, accept, and process any feelings without judgement, which improves mental health! Choose a time during the day when you can set aside tasks and complete this worksheet. It should be completed in a peaceful & quiet area where you can truly assess how you are feeling.

Body Scan Printable Exercise

Body Scan Exercise Learn how to relax, by scanning your body in this free printable exercise below! This can be done lying down in your bed before going to sleep, sitting at your work desk during a break, or anywhere that feels comfortable for you. Somewhere that has minimal distractions is best so you can focus solely on your body's feelings inside and out!  Drawing and coloring helps to incorporate  mindfulness as you distract your mind from any anxious or unpleasant feelings. 

Come Follow Me (Primary): April 10-16, Matthew 15-17; Mark 7-9

  April 10 - 16  ♡   Matthew 15 - 17, Mark 7 - 9 " T h o u  A r t  T h e  C h r i s t " Jesus Christ gives prophets and apostles priesthood keys to lead His church I used a variety of different keys to attach examples of blessings that priesthood keys "unlock". As the children take turns picking a key, teach & discuss the associated blessings! I created these key handouts for the kids to take home and put in their scriptures! They can be attached to any treat if desired. I also think it would be cute attach these to some "real" keys (that don't go to anything), and give it to the kids to take home!

Simple HIIT Workout Outline

Free High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Outline Printout For this workout, choose 3 of your favorite workouts. Some examples include: jogging in place, push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, jumping jacks, side-to-side jumps, dance, planking, jumprope, etc. With each workout interval, go as fast as you can (safely). What's awesome about this outline, is you can customize it to do exercises that YOU enjoy!

Positive Self-Talk Reference Page

  Free Printable Positive Self-Talk Reference Page Print this for future reference to help practice changing negative mindsets!

Anxious to Brave Thoughts Example Page

 Free Printable Anxious To Brave Thoughts Example Page This page can be printed for reference to help practice changing anxious, negative, thoughts to be more brave & positive! We often don't recognize our negative thoughts patterns, so being mindful of how we are thinking can help to initiate change and begin thinking in a more positive manner. Thinking more positively can contribute to improving mood, mental, and overall health.

Coping Skills Reference Page

 Free Printable Coping Skills Page Here are some extremely helpful coping skills I often referred to and used when I struggled with panic disorder. ☺

Coping With Panic Reference Page

Coping With Panic Print Here are some steps to help cope when a panic attack is happening. It may be hard to read during a panic attack, so having a loved one read it to you can be helpful! I found these to be very comforting when I was struggling with panic disorder.

Spring Ministering Game

You've Been Gnomed! One day, my sister-in-law and her family thought it would be funny to "gnome" us. They printed out a bunch of small gnome images and taped them onto some popsicle sticks. They then surprised us by scattering them all over our front yard! Keric and I thought it was so fun. It definitely put a smile on are face.  I decided to make it a spring spinoff of the game "You've been BOOed" that happens during Halloween!  I wrote this silly poem to go along with the silliness of the gnomes. We are going to re-use the gnome sticks and scatter them in one of our neighbor's yards, along with these papers & some treats to place on their doorstep.