
See the White

Take a good look at the image above. What do you see? A black dot-- That's what everyone says But what did you not see? The white. In fact, there is actually more white than there is black. How did we miss it? Perhaps we can relate this black dot to our flaws, imperfections, and even sins. Unfortunately, the black dots in our lives are often all we can see. But what does God see? Elder Klebingat of the Seventy asked: "Can you say within yourself that Heavenly Father is pleased with you? What thoughts come to mind if you had a personal interview with the Savior one minute from now? Would sins, regrets, and shortcomings dominate your self-image, or would you simply experience joyful anticipation? Would you meet or avoid his gaze? Would you linger by the door or confidently walk up to Him?"   1 After reading this, did your thoughts include feelings that God is disappointed or ashamed of you? Did you start to look at the black dots in y...

Today Is Your Day To Be Happy

We each have our own storms to find shelter from. The struggle is definitely real when it comes to all of the many trials we are faced with. Sister Jean B. Bingham said: "A recent news headline reads, 'Disasters rock the nation [and] world.' From hurricanes and floods to heat waves and droughts, from wildfires and earthquakes to wars and devastating diseases, it seems 'the whole earth [is] in commotion.' Millions of people have been displaced, and countless lives have been disrupted by these challenges. Contention in families and communities as well as inner struggles with fear, doubt, and unfulfilled expectations also leave us in turmoil. It can be difficult to feel the joy that Lehi taught is the purpose of life. We have all asked at times: 'Where can I turn for peace? Where is my solace...?'"  1 How do I find joy despite the difficulties of mortal life? The answer is simply--the atonement of Jesus Christ "The more we learn about, ...

What Faith Cannot Do, And How It Can Bless Our Lives

First of all... What is Faith? Elder Uchtdorf said:  "Faith is a strong conviction about something we believe--a conviction so strong that it moves us to do things that we otherwise might not do. 'Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see'... there are more ways to see than with our eyes, more ways to feel than with our hands, more ways to hear than with our ears. Perhaps you don't consider yourself a '[person] of faith' because you sometimes struggle with doubt or fear... I wish to speak to anyone who has every felt this way--and that probably includes all of us at one time or another. I wish to speak of faith--what it is, what it can and cannot do , and what we must do to activate the power of faith in our lives."  1 Here is a short story of a faithful latter-day saint woman in a ward in Santa Cruz Bolivia which was written in my mission journal: 9 June 2014 "In relief society, our teacher told us ...

Getting Fit For Dummies

Getting Started... 1) Look at MyPlate Generally, this is what a person's plate should look like at every meal. As you can see, the biggest portion of this plate is vegetables. If you're like me, you're thinking... UGH vegetables. If that's the case see #2 for a possible solution. 2) Categorize your food groups by writing foods you enjoy ... or at the very least can tolerate. Here's how I did mine: ⬇ 3) Mix n' Match The fun part Create your meals every day by choosing 1 thing from each of these categories you created, and form your own MyPlate. You can get creative with it! If you're having a hard time, search for MyPlate recipes here . 4) Get On A Scale and Weigh Yourself Find out what your weight is. The find out what your weight should be according to your height + weight ratio. Create a healthy goal and write it down. You can find any healthy weight chart online. I found mine  here. 5) Calcul...