
Showing posts from May, 2023

My Calmigo

🌟🌈 Promote Calmness & Reduce Stress with CalmiGo! I want to share with you an incredible device called CalmiGo , which has become an essential part of my self-care routine 🙌 Why I Love 🤍 CalmiGo and Recommend It: As someone who understands the challenges of managing anxiety, CalmiGo has become one of my favorite tools for finding calm in moments of distress. CalmiGo is a drug-free solution that combines 3 powerful methods to help you calm down in moments of distress or anxiety. 🌬️ Breathing Regulation: CalmiGo works specifically with your unique breathing patterns, tailoring the experience to your exact needs. Its technology measures your personal breathing patterns and adjusts in real-time, ensuring you receive optimal support during challenging moments. 🌸 Relaxing Scent: CalmiGo incorporates the use of scented elements, enhancing the calming experience. 🧘‍♀️ Multi-Sensory Stimulation: The device employs multi-sensory stimulation, which acts as a grounding technique. ...

Come Follow Me (Primary): May 8-14, Matthew 19-20; Mark 10; Luke 18

    May 8-14  ♡   Matthew 19-20, Mark 10 & Luke 18 " W h a t  L a c k  I  Y e t ? " Heavenly Father wants us to marry in the temple and have eternal families Here are is a cute temple papercraft that can be used as: a display during the lesson, a craft activity for the children during class, or a handout to take home! For our lesson, we gave it as a handout along with some "ring" pops to go along with the topic of marriage and the temple! You can find the template for this papercraft here ! If I obey the commandments, I can receive eternal life Here are some stories you can print and personalize for your primary kids about children who asked for advice from their parents but didn’t obey (similar to the story of the rich man). This is great to help them learn about the Savior's conversation with the rich man!

Come Follow Me (Primary): May 1-7, Luke 12-17; John 11

  May 1 - 7  ♡   Luke 12-17 & John 11 " R e j o i c e w i t h  M e ; f o r I H av e  F o u n d  M y S h e e p W h i c h  W a s  L o s t " Heavenly Father wants all of His children to return to Him Here are some cute handouts to go along with the lesson in Luke 15 (the parable about a hundred sheep). I used cotton balls and craft googly eyes to glue onto the sheep! I did mine ahead of time, but if there is plenty of class time, I would have the kids do it themselves! You can find these handouts here ! At the end of the lesson, we hid a stuffed animal sheep that was "lost", and went outside for the kids to go find! Once it was found, we gave them their handouts & treats. The recipe for the sheep treats can be found here ! Use 10 pennies and place them in a baggy to teach the parable of the woman and the 10 coins!