Come Follow Me (Primary): June 19-25, Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19

J une 19-25 ♡ Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 & John 19 " I t I s F i n i s h e d " Because Jesus died for me, I can be resurrected Here is a free, printable, "roll and color" game the children can play while learning about Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection! Get some dice (we got a couple soft, foam dice from the dollar store). The dice we used are each numbered 1-6, to add up to a number maximum of 12. Have the children take turns rolling the dice. Whatever number the dice lands on, the child who rolled it can color the corresponding numbered image! Discuss each of the images while coloring. If a dice lands on a number that has already been colored, have the child roll again!