
Showing posts from February, 2023

Come Follow Me (Primary): February 6-12, John 2-4

  February 6 - 12  ♡   John 2 - 4 " Y e   M u s t B e   B o r n   A g a i n " Heavenly Father loves me, so He gave me a Savior Help each child repeat John 3:16 , replacing the words “the world” with his or her own written name. I made this PDF to help the children visualize the scripture (as well as assist them with some of the words, even if they can't read yet) on the board. I made a laminated, rectangle insert for each of the kids to write their own names in dry-erase marker. Each kid took a turn putting their name up in the spot where it says "the world", and we repeated saying the scripture out loud together as a class. The Savior image is from The Red Crystal blog , and some of the other images are clipart! Jesus Christ is my "living water" Explain "living water" after telling the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. And if we live it, Jesus promises that we will never be thirsty again (meaning that we ...

Come Follow Me (Primary): February 13-19, Matthew 5; Luke 6

  February 13 - 19  ♡   Matthew 5 & Luke 6 " B l e s s e d   A r e  Y e " I can be a peacemaker What is a peacemaker?  "Peacemakers make any place peaceful, no matter where they are" How can I be a peacemaker ? Use a kind voice and kind words Listen to others even when I don't agree Try to understand how others are feeling Suggest ways to solve a problem Say "sorry" when I make a mistake Pray to Heavenly Father for help getting along Play a peacemaker game:   Give each kid a happy / sad face to use for the game. I printed one for each kid to use in our primary class, and then I laminated them.  For the game, I read out loud some peacemaker scenarios that I found searching (as well as some stories I made up on my own). While reading each scenario, have the kids decide whether to use the happy face (peacemaker face), or sad face. If a sad face was a result, ask the kids what they could have done to make the situation bett...

Come Follow Me (Primary): February 20-26, Matthew 6-7

February 20 - 26 ♡   Matthew 6 - 7 " H e T a u g h t   T h e m a s O n e H a v i n g A u t h o r i t y " I can pray to my Heavenly Father as Jesus did Teach the children how to pray by having the kids take turns spinning the spinner  from the Come Follow Me activity page. Discuss each part that the arrow lands on. I colored mine and laminated it. .  Just like there are different parts that make up a hamburger, there are different parts that make up a prayer (you can also use examples like an ice cream sundae, a taco, etc.):  Have the children help put together the pieces of hamburger (prayer) in order. First, we start to talk to Heavenly Father by saying something like: "Dear Heavenly Father"  Next, we thank Him for our blessings - What are some things we can thank Him for? Next, we can ask Him for things - What are things we can ask Him for? Forgiveness, help, answers to questions, comfort, etc. To finish talking to Heavenly Father, we end o...