This Is A New Moment

There I was. A nursing student in one of my third semester hospital rotations... watching a birth take place in the labor and delivery department. I’m supposed to learn nursing stuff... you know... like how to administer medications and care for mom & baby etc. But that day hit me a little more than just “nursing stuff”. This momma had been in labor for a couple hours now after being induced. She chose to have this baby unmedicated (no epidural), and was coping very well with the pain. It came about time to push. Contractions became more frequent as the baby was about to enter into the world. Momma looked exhausted and ready to be done. When the delivery doctor arrived, he quickly gowned up and got ready to do what he probably does every day.... deliver another baby. He had a flawless routine. I remember wondering if he ever got tired of getting interrupted throughout his day when he would get called in to deliver a baby. Then...