Embrace Your Crutches

Embrace Your Crutches Too often I would hear the words "ditch your crutches" when overcoming anxiety. For those with anxiety, you know what I mean. The common phrase: "Stop leaning on your crutches" is often used in an attempt to help anxiety sufferers 'face their fears'; therefore overcoming anxiety in a swift manner. Although such a phrase was created with good intentions, instead, the results are more often discouraging, disheartening, and can even slow the healing process. There's a reason why doctors recommend crutches for assisting patients to walk. Could you imagine having a broken leg, tightly encased in a protective cast, and you were told to simply "ditch your crutches"? Not only would that slow the healing process, but it may even cause further injury. My Safety Crutches Below is a list my crutches; some of which I have completely healed from and no longer need, while others I continue to use as they aid in my path to recover...