Getting Fit For Dummies

Getting Started... 1) Look at MyPlate Generally, this is what a person's plate should look like at every meal. As you can see, the biggest portion of this plate is vegetables. If you're like me, you're thinking... UGH vegetables. If that's the case see #2 for a possible solution. 2) Categorize your food groups by writing foods you enjoy ... or at the very least can tolerate. Here's how I did mine: ⬇ 3) Mix n' Match The fun part Create your meals every day by choosing 1 thing from each of these categories you created, and form your own MyPlate. You can get creative with it! If you're having a hard time, search for MyPlate recipes here . 4) Get On A Scale and Weigh Yourself Find out what your weight is. The find out what your weight should be according to your height + weight ratio. Create a healthy goal and write it down. You can find any healthy weight chart online. I found mine here. 5) Calcul...